Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Comme au Cinema

New Moon New York Premiere
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Brothers Screening at the SVA Theater
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So... which look do you like better?


rocco said...

What a difficult choice, I love both, the first is very boyish and the second is kind of dark, perfect for New Moon. m... I'll say the second.

JadeRose said...

I thought her lace tafetta rock was amazing...and then you go and pair her with Alexa Chung? There you have all the amazingness you need for one day...those two are so of the minute

wasteyourtime said...

no me gusto el primer vestido ! no! pero el otro sii * * preciosa como siempre aunqela prefiero rubiany tierna, besoss

mara said...

wow.i love the two outfits!!but i think the first is for the red carpet and the second at home..

Anonymous said...

Hola!! Cuánto tiempo hacía que no publicabas!! Se echaba de menos :) La verdad es que me gusta mucho más el look con pantalones y sombrero. El look gótico decimonónico del estreno de New Moon está bien para la ocasión, pero da la impresión de 'disfraz'. El otro es mucho más natural, y creo que va más con su personalidad. Aunque lo que más me gusta de ella es que nunca le da miedo probar cosas nuevas :)

Tzoulia Kadoglou said...


Kate said...

Copying Alice Glass once again. Agyness you were so beautiful and original before you discovered Alice's famous look!

Tatiana Gantt said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE The dress for the New Moon thing. Gorgous and the entire make up and hair just made it very Victorian gothic it´s those are beautiful shots! Those are my favorite! Could I ask who made the dress? A friend told me about this blog telling me that I have the same coloring (hair skin and eye wise) so taht if i was looking for style tips to look at you. ANd I have to say that you're an inspiration to me style wise! Thanks for being so amazing! :)

Jessica said...

Agy, agy, agy... perfect as always. But I have to say I love the New Moon-look a little bit more. So cute that I die.